Posted by International Health on Saturday, August 20, 2016
4 Ways to Keep Your Child's Ideal Weight and Stay Healthy
Unbalanced nutrition in children is still a problem to be faced by the world. Not just a matter of malnutrition alone, cases of obesity are also increasing.
So how do I deal with it?
Parents play an important role here, and there are several ways you can do as quoted by the BBC.
1. Give Example
Experts believe that one of the powerful ways to encourage children to eat healthy and active is when parents do the same. Change the pattern then and activity will be more readily accepted if all members of the family also apply.
Research found that girls are more at risk of obesity is 10 times that in the age of 8 years old when his mother was also obese. While the boys will be at increased risk of obesity sixfold at age 8 years old when his father was also obese.
2. Push the Sport
Recommended sport for children is 60 minutes every day, Activities do not have to at the same time, it could also gradually throughout the day with an assortment of activities.
Fat children do not have to do extra exercise because fat will burn by itself, as a result of it requires more energy to do the same activity.
Replace the vehicle with a bicycle or on foot to travel small as to shop or to the park can be a great way to make a child move.
3. Pay Attention to Diet
Children just like adults should be targeted to consume a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. The fruit juice can be given but not excessive enough one serving a day because the sugar content in them can increase the risk of tooth decay.
Avoid giving children sugary beverages because according to experts the most of the extra calories come from there.
Give food to the appropriate portion and if the child had been fed not be forced to spend on food left on the plate.
4. Enough Sleep
Sleep is very important for children because it was the release of growth hormone. When children sleep less then in addition interfere with the growth he will also be at increased risk of obesity as it has been found by several studies.
Make sure the child gets enough sleep according to age.
When nightfall limit exposure to electronic screens such as a television or smart phone in children because light can interfere with the production of the sleep hormone makes it harder to sleep.