Posted by International Health on Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Parents Teach Children the Importance of Doing Housework
Parents today not a few who spoil their children so that children focus on academic activities. So that the children are rarely asked to help with chores such as sweeping, washing dishes, or washing clothes. Though it is important to build the character of children.
According to the pediatrician who is also a child development expert from the United States, Deborah Gilboa, many parents see their children are too busy with homework the teacher as well as extracurricular activities. As a result, parents do not have the heart to ask children for washing clothes, sweeping and mopping.
"Doing housework help shape the character," said Gilboa in the show "The Expectation Gap at Carnegie Mellon University, USA as quoted by page Today, Tuesday (08/23/2016).
For example, when asked for baby aged Elementary School to wash her own plate after a meal, it is a way to teach him responsibility.
According to Gilboa, if parents just focus than a mere academic achievement it actually harms children later. So they do not understand about other things such as helping their parents with homework is actually a way of shaping the character of children.
"When parents focus on children's character, they will achieve the things that are meaningful and very likely seek their own identity," said Gilboa.